Illinois American Indian Organizations 

Midwest SOARRING Foundation
P.O. Box 275, Lyons, IL 60534
708-257-4300 OFFICE

Midwest SOARRING (Save Our Ancestors Remains & Resources Indigenous Network Group) Foundation was formed in November of 1996. Our mission is to offer assistance, when asked, as a facilitator to the tribes regarding repatriation concerns, educate the public about various American Indian cultural issues, environmental issues, and build community among all people.


Save Our American Raptors

S.O.A.R. - Save Our American Raptors is a non profit organization dedicated to the welfare of our native birds-of-prey; founded in 1989 and incorporated in Illinois by George and Bernadette Richter - licensed Master falconers, rehabilitators, falcon breeders, raptor banders, and educators with decades of hands-on experience and knowledge.


Grand Village of the Kickapoo Park Foundation

The Grand Village of the Kickapoo Park Foundation is located near Le Roy, Illinois. They sponsor their annual GVKP Intertribal Pow Wow every June. Midwest SOARRING helped create the first few pow wows held here which were sponsored to Welcome the Kickapoo Nation back to the grounds of their Grand Village. It is also home to the bison herd in which Midwest SOARRING started. Visitors can view the bison on special trailer rides into the bison herd area during the GVKP Pow Wow.


Native American Coalition of the Quad Cities

The mission of the Native American Coalition of the Quad Cities is to promote the affiliation of Native Americans of all nations residing in the Quad Cities area and Non-Native friends into an educational, civic, and cultural organization with their office location in Moline, Iowa.


Native American Public Telecommunications

Jim Denomie along with Barbara Jersey, started a Sunday night radio show strictly devoted to Native Americans in Milwaukee. The show, Voices from the Circle, has been a place for Natives to connect in the western Great Lakes area for eleven years now. This show has been carried by NAPT for the last nine years and has quite a following.


NAIITS - An Indigenous Learning Community

NAIITS (formerly North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies) is one of four divisions of Indigenous Pathways, a non-sectarian organization dedicated to working together with the Indigenous community to develop and articulate Indigenous perspectives in theology and practice. We encourage Indigenous learning styles and world views in our instruction as we facilitate the development of a body of written work addressing biblical, theological, and ethical issues from within Native North American and other Indigenous perspectives. We do so in concert with partners of other ethnicities whom we have invited to speak into this context. NAIITS currently has five degree program partnerships offering undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate programs.


American Indian Association of Illinois

The American Indian Association of Illinois (AIAI) is an educational non-profit that provides an accredited 4 year college degree initiative through the Medicine Shield College Program and Eastern Illinois University.AIAI provides scholarships, tutoring and other support for American Indian students and offers cultural celebration and preservation activities through the Chicago American Indian Mueseum, Barclaw Multimedia and the Black Hawk Performance Company.


Committee on Native American Ministries (CONAM)

The Committee on Native American Ministries (CONAM) oversees and supports the ministries within our Northern Illinois Conference of The United Methodist Church.

Nominated by the Conference Committee on Nominations, CONAM is a body made up of persons representing the inclusive nature of the Conference but primarily Native American.

The purpose of the Committee is to serve as a ministry within the life of the Conference that gives voice to Native Americans and meets the mandate as outlined in the Book of Discipline which “serves to remind the Church of the gifts and contributions made by Native Americans to our society.”


St. Kateri Center of Chicago
3938 N Leavitt Chicago, IL 60618 Phone: 733-509-2344

Mission: St. Kateri Center of Chicago is a ministry of the Archdiocese of Chicago serving a community of American Indian Catholics through faith formation and Native traditional prayer.


American Indian Center of Chicago
3401 West Ainslie Street
Chicago, IL 60625

Mission: To promote fellowship among Indian people of all Tribes living in metropolitan Chicago and to create bonds of understanding and communication between Indians and non-Indians in this city. To advance the general welfare of American Indians into the metropolitan community life; to foster the economic advancement of Indian people, to sustain cultural, artistic, and avocational pursuits; and to perpetuate Indian cultural values.


Northwestern University - Center for Native American and Indigenous Research
Kresge Hall 4516 - 1880 Campus Drive Evanston, IL 60208
Phone number: 847.491.4133

Northwestern aims to create a center that will develop scholarship and teaching in the area of Native American and Indigenous Studies. It will also broaden and deepen the University’s connections and collaborations with external partners, particularly those that serve the needs and interests of Native American and indigenous communities in Chicago and the upper Midwest region.


Native American House- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1206 West Nevada St, MC-139 Urbana, IL 61801-3818
Phone: 217-265-0632 Fax: 217-265-0585

Native American House (NAH)’s mission is to serve as a Native centered place of learning, support and resources for all students to have a rewarding educational experience.


Native American Support Program - University of Illinois- Chicago
Suite 2700, Student Services Building 1200 W Harrison Street Chicago, IL 60607-3346
Phone: 312-996-4515 Fax: 312 413-8099

The Native American Support Program (NASP) mission is to increase the enrollment, retention and graduation rates of Native American and Indigenous students by cultivating an environment supportive of positive experiences for Native students at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and within Native communities.


D'Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies at the Newberry Library
The Newberry Library 60 West Walton Street Chicago, IL 60610
(312) 943-9090

The Center enacts programming, including fellowships and seminars, that allows participants to draw from the Newberry’s collections in their research. 


Mitchell Museum of the American Indian
3001 Central Street Evanston, IL 60201 
(847) 475-1030

The Museum is one of only a handful of museums across the country that focuses exclusively on the art, history, and culture of Native American and First Nation peoples from throughout the United States and Canada.  It promotes public understanding of cultural diversity through first voice perspectives.


California Indian Manpower Consortium – Chicago Based Operations
1945 W Wilson Ave, Ste 6106 Chicago, Illinois 60640
(773) 271-2413

The primary purpose of the Consortium is to offer training, employment, and other activities designed to meet the employment and training needs of the client population. The principal funding source is the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.


American Indian Health Service of Chicago, Inc.
4081 North Broadway   Chicago, IL 60613
Phone: (773) 883-9100   Fax: (773) 883-0005

The mission of the American Indian Health Service of Chicago, Inc. is dedicated to providing quality healthcare to the American Indian community and other under-served populations.

 AIHSC has identified three primary goals of service:

·         To provide health and family services to American Indian people without healthcare services who are unable or unwilling to receive health care from other providers in the city;

·         To provide culturally sensitive primary, secondary and tertiary prevention intervention for the Chicago area American Indian community; and

·         To provide integrated case management programming to the clientele.